
歌詞: Magnolius. Selaron.

Shan VdP: If you got no scars to show for your progress, I guess you got lucky/ But with these calloused hands and a box of broken hearts, Ia??ll be staring at the sun with a black eye, trust me/ If you got no scars to show for your progress, I guess you got lucky/ but with these calloused hands and a box of broken hearts/ Ia??ll be staring at the sun with a black eye, trust me!

Derek D: Brick by brick by bricka?¦/ when the upheaval gets rampant, people abandon ship/ stone by stone by stonea?¦/ in obscurity, youa??ll be finding me thanking Selaron,/ step by step by stepa?¦/ when ita??s easy to cancel, dona??t be the believer that been all beat up and cana??t stay on/ chin up and channel the beat or bleed on the canvas, ita??s either youa??re ready to be the cheetah or stand still

Shan VdP: If you got no scars to show for your progress, I guess you got lucky/ But with these calloused hands and a box of broken hearts, Ia??ll be staring at the sun with a black eye, trust me/ If you got no scars to show for your progress, I guess you got lucky/ but with these calloused hands and a box of broken hearts/ Ia??ll be staring at the sun with a black eye, trust me!

Derek D: Brick by brick by bricka?¦/ when the upheaval gets rampant, people abandon ship/ stone by stone by stonea?¦/ in obscurity, youa??ll be finding me thanking Selaron,/ step by step by stepa?¦/ when ita??s easy to cancel, dona??t be the believer that been all beat up and cana??t stay on/ chin up and channel the beat or bleed on the canvas, ita??s either youa??re ready to be the cheetah or stand still

Shan VdP: Come on in, make yourself at home, lose the halo/ you can place it with the two faces on the table/ we can sit and exchange lies and laugh loudly/ but Ia??d rather drink my drink/ I already know what you despise about me/ and you still think Ia??d sink/ with that runner up badge that you boast about often/ I mean you really didna??t win/ now you run amuck mad, pose for the closed coffin/ leave it or you will be in oblivion again/ collect your insecurities and place them in a capsule/ then place that in a black box and aim for the rest/ cause the name of the game is, lets see who can hide that little black box the best/ and I find that you wouldna??t pass the line down for me to climb back/ You would rather watch me drown, and I dona??t really mind that/

Derek D: Could Ia?¦ live with an honest and anonymous involvement in this thing called life? / I think the problem is I think Ia??ll die/ With the volume at a moderate rate, rape me inaudible/ Ia??ll drink all night./ You see Ia??m all about this olly olly oxen free approach, and all behind me is a hobby and the talks of being focused/ only now at leagues of octopus in oceans/ no longer blinded by the night and not a blink gone by
