
歌詞: Steve Towson. In A Shattered State. Promised Land.

(Steve Towson)

You've got to get out of your bored rooms
and hear what is happening
down on the picket line
try hearing what we're saying stop dictating to us
from the corporate side

you better run while time's still vacant
cause you won't get no second chance
cause unlike to you time is coming up
it's coming up and we're going

to the promised land
going to the promised land
going to the promised land
going to the promised land

I see my brother and father fighting
I see my mother she's working her fingers to the bone
trying to keep us fighting
our brothers and our fathers
in another land

well you may have won this battle
but the war it is not over
for while you sit there gloating
our people are coming from behind
to take the promised land
going to the promised land

I say no more killing in Palestine
I say no more killing in Mayanamar
I say all people are welcome
I say all people are our people
for this is our promised land