La Martinella. Johannes Martini. unknown. Secular , Unknown. Language. Unspecified. ATB.翻訳
ラ·Martinellaに. ヨハネス·マティーニ. 不明. 不明、世俗. 言語. 不特定. ATB.原文
A Rondeau transcribed from the Trent manuscripts tr89 and tr91, both versions are provided. The time signatures, notes' values accidentals and colourings are as in the manuscript. The section beginning with the number “3” is in “proportio sesquialtera”. 3 vs. The coloured notes in “tempus imperfectum” are in “proportio sesquialtera”, those in “proportio sesquialtera” are “hemiolæ”. The notes' values within the "ligaturæ" are as follows. the left upstemmed notes are semibreves - the unstemmed notes are breves. The "musica ficta" suggestions are in the MIDI and MusicXML files.翻訳
A Rondeau transcribed from the Trent manuscripts tr89 and tr91, both versions are provided. 時間署名、ノートの価値観の臨時記号および着色料は原稿のようである. The section beginning with the number “3” is in “proportio sesquialtera”. 3対. The coloured notes in “tempus imperfectum” are in “proportio sesquialtera”, those in “proportio sesquialtera” are “hemiolæ”. 次のように「ligaturæ」内のノート」値である. 左upstemmedノートはsemibrevesです - 語幹抽出されていないノートはbrevesです. 「ムジカficta」の提案はMIDIとのMusicXMLファイルにあり.人気のあるリクエスト