シートミュージック $3.25
Tomorrow, God Willing. Elizabeth Alexander. A Cappella sheet music. Intermediate.
明日、神希望. エリザベスアレクサンダー. アカペラ楽譜. 中間の.
Tomorrow, God Willing. A full-hearted offering of Lake Wobegon wisdom. Composed by Elizabeth Alexander. For TTBB choir, a cappella. Secular, Soulful. Medium. Choral Score. Duration 6 minutes. Published by Seafarer Press. SF.SEA-077-02. This song's unconventional lyric comes from one of Garrison Keillor's unique Lake Wobegon monologues. Singers get to revel in every aspect of this pithy text, with earnestness, joy, vitality, and a hint of prayer. Composer's note. "When asked to write a piece for Perfect Harmony Men's Chorus' 10th Anniversary, I proposed an unconventional text. a short quote by Garrison Keillor, with which he ended one of his monologues in the '90s. As Keillor's story unfolds, the main character is unexpectedly presented with a challenging life situation, and he finds that he has no idea how to respond. Looking back at the end of the day, he realizes he didn't handle the situation with a great deal of grace, but he is not sure what he could have done differently. Weary and disoriented, he nevertheless reminds himself that this challenge will still be here tomorrow, and that — like it or not — he will most likely be given many more chances to figure out how to deal with it. The narrator ends the story with this simple, universal blessing, for the story's protagonist as well as for the listener. "We do the best we can. We do the very best we can, and tomorrow, God willing, we get to wake up and try again. Commissioned by Perfect Harmony Mens' Chorus. Ian W. Riddell & Ken Forney. Madison, WI. Themes.
明日、神希望. A full-hearted offering of Lake Wobegon wisdom. エリザベスアレクサンダー作曲. TTBB合唱団、アカペラのための. ソウルフル、世俗. メディア. 合唱スコア. 再生時間6分. 船員Pressから出版さ. SF.SEA-077-02. この曲の歌詞は、型にはまらないギャリソンキーラーのユニークな湖Wobegonのモノローグの1から来ている. Singers get to revel in every aspect of this pithy text, with earnestness, joy, vitality, and a hint of prayer. Composerの注意. 完璧な調和男声合唱」10周年記念のために作品を書くように頼まれると、「私は型破りなテキストを提案. 彼は90年代の彼のモノローグの1を終了したとギャリソンキーラーによる短編引用、. キーラーの物語が展開するにつれて、主人公が予期せず厳しい生活状況を提示し、彼は彼が応答するかは考えがないことを発見している. 一日の終わりに振り返ってみると、彼は恵み多大の状況を処理しませんでしたが、彼は、彼は違った行っている可能性がわからないです実現. Weary and disoriented, he nevertheless reminds himself that this challenge will still be here tomorrow, and that — like it or not — he will most likely be given many more chances to figure out how to deal with it. 語り手は、物語の主人公のために、この単純な、普遍的な祝福して話を終わるだけでなく、リスナーの. 「私たちは、私たちができるベストを尽くす. 我々は目を覚ます、再試行して取得する、私達は私達ができる非常に最善を尽くして、明日、神が喜ん. Commissioned by Perfect Harmony Mens' Chorus. Ian W. Riddell & Ken Forney. ウィスコンシン州マディソン. テーマ.