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Children of Bodom. Guitar sheet music.翻訳
チルドレン·オブ·ボドム. ギターの楽譜.原文
Children of Bodom. Alexi Laiho's Legendary Licks. By Children Of Bodom. For Guitar. DVD. DVD. 1 pages. Published by Cherry Lane Music. HL.2501398. ISBN 1603781544. 5.3x7.25 inches. This Finnish death metal band rocks the world, and guitarist. vocalist Alexi Laiho leads the charge. In this 2-DVD set, Dannny Gill provides a step-by-step breakdown of Alexi's styles and techniques via in-depth analysis of five songs. Angels Don't Kill. Are You Dead Yet. Hate Crew Deathroll. In Your Face. and Sixpounder. Each guitar part is played up to speed, then broken down note by note. 3 hours, 37 minutes. Are You Dead Yet. In Your Face. Angels Don't Kill. Hate Crew Deathroll. Sixpounder.翻訳
チルドレン·オブ·ボドム. Alexi Laiho's Legendary Licks. チルドレン·オブ·ボドムによる. ギターのための. DVD。 DVD。 1ページ. チェリー·レーンミュージックから出版. HL.2501398. ISBN 1603781544. 5.3x7.25 inches. This Finnish death metal band rocks the world, and guitarist. vocalist Alexi Laiho leads the charge. In this 2-DVD set, Dannny Gill provides a step-by-step breakdown of Alexi's styles and techniques via in-depth analysis of five songs. 天使は殺さないでください. あなたはまだ死んでいる. クルーDeathrollが嫌い. In Your Face. and Sixpounder. 各ギターパートが速度まで再生され、その後のノートでノートを分解. 3 hours, 37 minutes. あなたはまだ死んでいる. In Your Face. 天使は殺さないでください. クルーDeathrollが嫌い. Sixpounder.人気のあるリクエスト