
シートミュージック $46.96


Andrew Oxspring. Ian Faraday. Hansel And Gretel. Book, CD. Piano, Vocal & Guitar. PVG.


アンドリューOxspring. イアン·ファラデー. ヘンゼルとグレーテル. 本、CD. ピアノ、ボーカル. PVG.


All year round musical for 7-11 years. KS2. Running time 60 minutes approx. This all-year-round adaptation of this best-selling Christmas musical will bring the house down. Two abandoned children, the wickedest and funniest witch and step-mother you could imagine, a cottage with real 'chocolate-box' appeal, a flock of down-and-out birds, a gang of dim-witted bandits, and a whole lot more go into the mix for this lively and entertaining take on a classic tale. Plot summary. We begin in the family's poor cottage, where Hansel, Gretel and their father ponder the possibility of running out of food. Their stepmother, on the other hand, can only moan that she needs a new fur coat, which she could have had if she'd done as her mother advised and married the wealthy Herbert Goldsworthy when she had the chance. song - A Sorry Situation. When the children go to bed, she reveals to her husband a dastardly plan to take them deep into the forest and abandon them. song - What A Wicked Woman. Having overheard this plan, as they are led far from the cottage the next day, Hansel and Gretel leave a trail of breadcrumbs which they intend to follow home. Tired from their long walk, and alone in the forest, the two children fall asleep. As they doze a flock of hungry birds enters, complaining about the lack of worms, the meagre titbits being left by humans these days, and how their only opportunity for a feed might be to ambush a squirrel. song - Those Good Old Days. Noticing the breadcrumbs, however, they eat their fill, leaving the children no way of finding their way home. Next, Hansel and Gretel run into a bungling gang of robbers. song - Robbers' Tango. , who spot the opportunity to kidnap the children and ransom them for cash. However, their wits are no match for Gretel's, and she and her brother make a comical escape. They run deeper into the forest, where things get a little creepier, and talking trees warn them that 'this is no place for children. song - This Bad, Bad Place. Finally, exhausted and hungry, the children stumble across an enchanting cottage. song - The Gingerbread House. , built from every delicious confectionary imaginable. Encouraged by a curious group of goblins, they eat their fill, before being introduced to the owner of the cottage. At first this little old woman is welcoming, asking them to stay and rest, and eat as much as they can. However, she soon shows her true colours. Hansel is imprisoned while Gretel must 'force-feed' him in order to, as the old witch puts it, 'fatten him up' for the pot. song - Better Than One Is Two. As the wicked woman makes final preparations for her big meal. song - Dinner At The Double. , it's down to the brave Gretel to once again save the day. Using her cunning and daring she literally 'closes the lid' on the old woman's dining plans and escapes with her brother. After a joyful reunion with their father, the children deservedly celebrate with the biggest, party ever. song - Finale.


7-11年の一年中ミュージカル. KS2. 60分程度の時間を実行する. This all-year-round adaptation of this best-selling Christmas musical will bring the house down. Two abandoned children, the wickedest and funniest witch and step-mother you could imagine, a cottage with real 'chocolate-box' appeal, a flock of down-and-out birds, a gang of dim-witted bandits, and a whole lot more go into the mix for this lively and entertaining take on a classic tale. プロットの概要. We begin in the family's poor cottage, where Hansel, Gretel and their father ponder the possibility of running out of food. 彼らの継母は、他の一方で、彼女だけは彼女が行わたい場合、彼女はチャンスがあった時、彼女の母親は裕福なハーバートゴールズワージーに助言し、結婚したとして、彼女が持っていた可能性が新たな毛皮のコートを、必要があるとうめき声ができます. song - A Sorry Situation. 子供が寝るとき、彼女は彼女の夫に深い森の中にそれらを取ると、それらを放棄する卑劣な計画を明らかに. 曲 - どのようなA悪女. 彼らは次の日のコテージから遠くに導かれるように、この計画を耳にしたことは、ヘンゼルとグレーテル、彼らが家に従うつもりブレッドクラムの証跡を残す. 彼らの長い散歩から疲れて、そして森の中だけでは、二人の子供が眠りに落ちる. 彼らは空腹の鳥の群れを居眠りとしてワームの欠如、これらの日人間が放置され乏しいtitbits不満、入り、そしてどのように飼料用の彼らの唯一の機会は、リスを待ち伏せすることかもしれません. 歌 - それらの古き良き時代. パン粉に着目、しかし、彼らは子供たちに家に帰る道を見つける方法を残さず、彼らの塗りつぶしを食べる. 次に、ヘンゼルとグレーテルは強盗のbunglingギャングに遭遇. 歌 - 強盗「タンゴ. 、現金のために子供や身代金それらを誘拐する機会を見つける人. しかし、彼らの知恵はグレーテルのために一致しない、と彼女と彼女の兄は、コミカルな脱出を作る. 彼らは物事が少しcreepierを得る森、深く実行し、木を話して、これは子供のための場所ではない」ことを警告. 歌 - この悪い、悪い場所. 最後に、疲れと空腹、子供たちが魅惑的なコテージに遭遇. 歌 - ジンジャーブレッドハウス. 、ありとあらゆるおいしい菓子から構築. コテージの所有者に導入される前に、彼らは、彼らの塗りつぶしを食べるゴブリンの好奇心のグループに励まされ. 最初はこの少し古い女性が滞在して休息するためにそれらを求めて、歓迎され、彼らができる限り多くを食べる. しかし、彼女はすぐに彼女の本当の色を示しています. Hansel is imprisoned while Gretel must 'force-feed' him in order to, as the old witch puts it, 'fatten him up' for the pot. 歌 - Oneが2であるよりも良い. As the wicked woman makes final preparations for her big meal. 歌 - ダブルで夕食. 、それが再び救うためにダウンして勇敢なグレーテルのだ. 彼女の狡猾を使用して、彼女の大胆なことは、文字通り老婆のダイニングプランの「蓋を閉じて」と彼女の兄と一緒に脱出. After a joyful reunion with their father, the children deservedly celebrate with the biggest, party ever. 歌 - フィナーレ.