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Open the Door. Song for Judith. Sheet Music by Judy Collins.翻訳
Open the Door. Song for Judith. ジュディ·コリンズによる楽譜.原文
Judy Collins. Hal Leonard , Universal. English. 0-7579-8088-0. Solero. Piano. Vocal. Chords. Sometimes I remember the old days When the world was filled with sorrow, You might have thought I was living, but I was all alone.翻訳
ジュディ·コリンズ. ハルレナード、ユニバーサル. 英語. 0-7579-8088-0. ソレーロ. 計画. ボーカル. 和音. Sometimes I remember the old days When the world was filled with sorrow, You might have thought I was living, but I was all alone.人気のあるリクエスト