翻訳: 〜を見せていただけますか?. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor.
翻訳: 私は知っていたことはありません. - “And when the mourning was past, David sent and took her home to his house, and she became his wife,. ダビデ王とバテシバ.
翻訳: エルサレムが呼んでいる. ‘None ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites. レビ人. ACT 2 - キングスから. ソング4.
翻訳: 私に別のものを注ぐ. ’ So Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day, and the morrow. URIAH is killed. ダビデ王と彼の軍隊.
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