, два после пяти Мама, папа, прости Я сошла с ума Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума Мне нужна она, мне нужна она (мне нужна она) Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума
I am all gone It is very serious Situation HELP Situation SOS I cannot understand myself Where did you appear form? The light is shutting down
Without you last night Fireworks show bright And I almost lost my mind Yes I almost lost my mind In the traffic jam Sweating big for cans And I almost
When I lost my baby, I almost lost my mind When I lost my baby, I almost lost my mind My head is in a spin since she left me behind Went to see a gypsy
I am all gone It is very serious Situation HELP Situation SOS I cannot understand myself Where did you appear from? The light is shutting down
I ALMOST LOST MY MIND Writer Ivory Joe Hunter When I lost my baby (baby) I almost lost my mind When I lost my baby (baby) I almost lost my mind My head
When I lost my baby I almost lost my mind When I lost my baby I almost lost my mind My head is in a spin since she left me behind I went to see a gypsy
When I lost my baby, I almost lost my mind When I lost my baby, I almost lost my mind My eyes was full of tears Since she left me behind I pass a million
When I lost my baby I almost lost my mind When I lost my baby I almost lost my mind Lord my head is in a spin since she left me behind I went to see a
When I lost my baby I almost lost my mind When I lost my baby I almost lost my mind My head is in a spin Since she left me behind Went to see a
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma Mne nuzha ona, mne nuzha ona Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma Mne nuzha ona, mne nuzha ona YA SO-SHLA S U-MA Menya
When I lost my baby I almost lost my mind When I lost my baby I almost lost my mind My head is in a spin Since I left you behind And my head is in a
I had lost my mind. I lost my head for a while was off my rocker outta line, outta wack. See I had this tiny crack in my head That slowly split open and
翻訳: エディーアーノルド. 私はほとんど私の心を失った.
翻訳: エディコクラン. 私はほとんど私の心を失った.
翻訳: ファッツドミノ. 私はほとんど私の心を失った.
翻訳: ファッツドミノ. 営業時間後 - 私はほとんどマイマインドをロスト.
翻訳: ハスキー、フェーリン. 私はほとんど私の心を失った.