shore The captain cried, we sailors wept: our tears were tears of joy Now many moons and many junes have passed since we made land A salty dog, this seaman
shore The captain cried, we sailors wept: our tears were tears of joy Now many moons and many Junes have passed since we made land A salty dog, this
to shore The captain cried We sailors wept Our tears were tears of joy How many moons And many Junes How far since we've made land A Salty Dog Our seaman
ship to shore The captain cried We sailors wept Our tears were tears of joy How many moons And many Junes Have passed since we made land A salty dog The
shore The captain cried, we sailors wept: our tears were tears of joy Now many moons and many Junes have passed since we made land A salty dog, this seaman
翻訳: ソルティードッグ. ソルティードッグ.
翻訳: ソルティードッグ. ヘスペルスの残骸.
翻訳: ソルティードッグ. 人間の優しさのミルク.
翻訳: ソルティードッグ. 悪魔は、カンザス州から来た.
翻訳: ソルティードッグ. 巡礼者の進捗状況.
翻訳: ソルティードッグ. ジューシージョンピンク.
翻訳: ソルティードッグ. はりつけレーン.
翻訳: ソルティードッグ. 退屈.
翻訳: ソルティードッグ. これらはすべて、より.
翻訳: ソルティードッグ. あまりにも多くの会社との間.
翻訳: プロコルハルム. ソルティードッグ.
翻訳: スティックス. ソルティードッグ.