He knows he'll be alone tonight While contemplating, what can I do? Lack of hope leaves him feeling violent It's not that he's looking for a fight, it
Spend a lifetime working for these people To make what they earn in one day There are options to choose, I call it social progress Progress to not be
our thoughts and our lives controlled by pocket books of rich politicians, like a rich daddy warbux they pay for the deaths of those who speak of revolution
Get ready to, make a stand Get ready to, make a stand 'Cause if, we don't, fuckin', do it Then no one's goin' to, no Have you seen the scene on the street
want to tell you a little story 'bout a party that went all right, but went all wrong i want to tell you a little story 'bout a party in this song...
little big horn national cemetery There's a monument that reads "To the soldiers killed in Montana while clearing Hostile Indians away" And there's a flag
would be a start (Start) It would be a start (Start) Yeah, it would be a start (Start) Start Pledge allegiance to a flag Of which you're taught no history
Their 2 + 2 does not equal 4 Their 2 + 2 equals whatever, they want us to die for About face, snap to attention Form your own conclusions to the things
Hey, go We've run out of patience You've run out of time This scene will not fall victim To your violence or lies Your values are nothing But excuses
All united, all as one Let's make a stand We've got a privilege in the power That we command So let's not drown in ignorance And let our strength waste
Alternative communication Underground network, alternative communication Underground network, alternative communication Underground network, alternative
You walk past an activist, who is talking on the street About political prisoners, locked up in your own home state And you think for just a minute, you
Watch your right Watch your left Watch the right Watch the center And watch your back Hey Okay, it?s on the radio, it?s on the TV news Conservatives
, to tell the truth! Underground Network - Alternative Communication Underground Network - Alternative Communication Underground Network - Alternative Communication Underground Network - Alternative Communication Underground Network - Alternative Communication Underground Network
翻訳: アンチフラグ. 地下ネットワーク.
翻訳: フラグアンチ. 地下ネットワーク.