Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer Came down upon his head Clang! Clang! Maxwell's silver hammer Made sure that he was dead Silver hammer man!
to go A knock comes on the door... Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer Came down upon her head Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer Made sure that she
behind, Bang bang Maxwell?s silver hammer came down upon his head, Bang bang Maxwell?s silver hammer made sure that he was dead. Silver hammer man.
翻訳: ビートルズ. マクスウェルのシルバーハンマー(レノン\\マッカートニー).
翻訳: ビートルズ. マクスウェルのシルバーはハンマー.
Maxwell's silver hammer Came down upon her head Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer Made sure that she was dead Back in school again Maxwell plays the
to go A knock comes on the door Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer Came down upon her head Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer Made sure that she was