: Depths of defamation, Disseminating deception Imperative formation for an Impending discern Bound on an embedding of her Own severed limbs A defiled
: Headless, headless bodies hang Upside down from sharpened meat hooks Pendulously swinging, Cleaving through extravagately Ripping, ripping innards
: An assortment of instruments Designed for torture Shrouded in remnants of the Recently butchered Celiatic incisions will prepare the needs, Of cleaving
: I eat dead infants Disintered from the womb Of the dead pregnant Stretching, the womb widely abroad Displaying her insides I examine the abdomen in
: An experiment in cannibalistic surgery Culminated with much alaricity Voracious dermal exfoliation Skin is peeled away Cranial ostectomy, fragments
: Scourging paths of the impermissible Descending upon dwellings of those Breeding affliction, Impregnated with the seed of lechery Incapacitating and
: Encroaching upon bloated encrustation Encrusted, the encystation of impurity An excavation of excruciating torment Excavating every morsel of malignant