care dear anyhow And it hurts me so to tell ye that my love for you has gone But tonight I wed your brother dear John And tonight I wed another dear John
the fighting was all over and the battle have been won Then I opened up the letter and that started, dear John Dear John, oh, how I hate to write Dear John
I'm ruinin' my life I'm tired of all these honky tonks And that fly by night life Wel, tonight a bottle stands alone In the Dear John Letter Lounge
letter Why I was happy as could be For the fighting was all over And the battle had been won Then I opened up the letter And that started Dear John Dear
Oh, I used to love you but now that's hard to do 'Cause I got some information 'bout the evil things at night that you do Now the whole thing is through
letter why I was happy as could be For the fighting was all over and the battle had been won Then I opened up the letter and that started Dear John Dear John
through it I'm writing this letter because I'm writing you a dear John letter I'm writing you a dear John letter I'm writing you a dear John letter ...
[ Skeeter ] Dear John oh how I hate to write dear John I must let you know tonight That my love for you has died away like grass upon the lawn And tonight
I couldn't tell you face to face but I, I had to let you know Sometimes I wanna hit the door I'm writing you a Dear John letter I'm writing this letter
(from "Someone's Gonna Get Their Head To Believe In Something" Compilation) Now baby don't you write me no dear john letter don't you think i deserve
翻訳: ボビーベア. 親愛なるジョンレター.
翻訳: ボビーベア. 親愛なるジョンの手紙[W'スキーターデイビス].
翻訳: スキーターデイヴィス. 親愛なるジョンレター.
翻訳: タッブ、アーネスト. 親愛なるジョンレター.
翻訳: アーネストタッブ. 親愛なるジョンレター.
翻訳: ハスキー、フェーリン. 親愛なるジョンの手紙.
翻訳: キースグリーン. 親愛なるジョンレター.