, and virgil got the horses And we paid our last respects and gave the whip a crack Ooh, seemed a big bad world, we were riding into Me and virgil both
Virgil got the horses And we paid our last respects and gave the whip a crack Oh it seemed a big bad world we were riding into Me and Virgil both agreed
翻訳: 起源. ミーアンドバージル.
, and Virgil got the horses And we paid our last respects and gave the whip a crack Ooh, seemed a big bad world, we were riding into Me and Virgil both
had, and Virgil got the horses And we paid our last respects and gave the whip a crack Ooh, seemed a big bad world, we were riding into Me and Virgil
Virgil got the horses And we paid our last respects and gave the whip a crack Oh it seemed a big bad world we were riding into Me and Virgil both