glory The earth is filled with His glory Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty Holy, Holy Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty Holy, Holy Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty Holy Holy
The Lord is in His holy temple Let all the earth keep silence before Him Keep silence, keep silence Keep silence before Him Keep silence before Him
You're all the way over there but we can dance to your music from here.
how awesome is He Together we sing Everyone sing (Chorus) Holy is the Lord God Almighty The Earth is filled with His Glory Holy is the Lord God Almighty The Earth is
great, how awesome is He And together we sing chorus Holy is the Lord God Almighty The earth is filled with His glory Holy is the Lord God Almighty The earth is
's keeper But see what power so fell and fair Has stayed his holy justice God Himself all hell did bear How great his love for us is O serve Him, O serve
The Lord is in His Holy Temple Let all the earth keep silent before Him Keep silent Keep silent Keep silence before Him Keep silence before Him
us sing, woah to You Holy is our Lord Holy is our King Holy is Your power And Your graceful majesty Holy is our father Holy is our peace We give our lives to You We surrender Holy is our Lord Holy is our King Holy is
[Kelly Green]
翻訳: ピーターソン、アンドリュー. 賛美歌/聖なるは主であるサーブ.
翻訳: オーストラリアHillsongs. 聖霊は、主です。.
翻訳: エドモンのコール. 主はその聖なる宮にいます.
翻訳: トムリン、クリス. 聖霊は、主です。.
翻訳: 凱沢アダムス. 聖霊は、主です。.
翻訳: 認識し、. 聖霊は、主です。.
翻訳: マーシーミー. 聖霊は、主です。.
翻訳: 名探偵登場. 聖なる主よ、ショーシャンクの空には、このような良い映画です!.