Narrator) Joseph's coat annoyed his brothers (Brothers) But what makes us mad Are the things that Joseph tells us of the Dreams he's often had (Joseph
accuracy of the dreams We brothers do not know But one thing we are sure about The dreamer, the dreamer, the dreamer The dreamer, the dreamer, dreamer Dreamer, dreamer, dreamer
Narartor Joseph's coat annoyed his brothers Brothers But what makes us mad Are the things that Joseph tells us of the Dream's he often had Joseph
Joseph's coat annoyed his brothers Brothers But what makes us mad Are the things that Joseph tells us of the Dream's he often had Joseph I dreamed
's luck will change completely overnight And famine's hand will stalk the land With food an all-time low Noble king, there is no doubt What your dreams
Egypt's luck will change completely overnight And famine's hand will stalk the land With food an all-time low Noble king, there is no doubt What your dreams
be room To store the surplus food you grow After that, the future doesn't look so bright Egypt's luck will change completely overnight And famine's
翻訳: ウェバー、アンドリューロイド. ファラオの夢の説明(ヨセフおよびすばらしいテクニカラーのドリームコート).
翻訳: して、Joseph. ヨセフの夢.
翻訳: して、Joseph. 解釈ファラオの夢.
s luck will change completely overnight And famine's hand will stalk the land With food an all-time low Noble king, there is no doubt What your dreams