(B. Dylan) My love she speaks like silence Without ideals or violence She doesn't have to say she's faithful Yet she's true like fire like ice People
Mettere all?asta il posto tuo Insostituibile Quello che fu davvero mio Profumo inequivocabile Presenza che mai piu toccai Nei silenzi del mondo Che rimpiange noi. Oltre ogni limite
: (B. Dylan) My love she speaks like silence Without ideals or violence She doesn't have to say she's faithful Yet she's true like fire like ice People
: My love she speaks like silence, Without ideals or violence, She doesn't have to say she's faithful, Yet she's true, like ice, like fire. People carry
Yeah! Yeah! Every single day when I get out of bed Well the chances are I'm gonna wind up dead Well, don't you know that it'll be alright? Well what
My love she speaks like silence, Without ideals or violence, She doesn't have to say she's faithful, Yet she's true, like ice, like fire. People carry
L'amore mio se tace nun te fa guera ne pace E nun je serve la sincerita perche e lei la verita La gente se scappella je dice quanto sei bella Se un fiore
you, right at you I'll do whatever it takes, when I'm with you I get the shakes My body aches when I ain't, with you I have zero strength There's no limit
'm certified dope stamp of approval all ur camp is immovable the champion of amplified sound make it beautiful whada u think ur doin? limiting my vision? i stomp you with my D-C's limited