weighed your loss against my gain If he was with you at the railway Would you do it all again? Mea culpa I can't stay here no longer Oh mea, mea culpa
Prends moi, je suis a toi Mea culpa Je veux aller au bout des mes fantasmes Je sais que c'est interdit Je suis folle, je m'abandonne Mea culpa Kyrie
sleep anymore) (the time has come) Je te desire (I desire you) (the time has come) Prends moi [*] (take me) Je suis a toi (I'm yours) Mea culpa
O mi jesu, demitte nobis debita nostra, salva nos ab igne inferiori, perduc in caelum Omnes animas, praesertim eas, quae misericordiae tuae maxime indigent
? he said "i'm sorry, I committed a sin, I made a mistake. I asked (? ? ? ? ? ) to forgive me... please forgive me." he said "mea culpa
look Mea culpa You can't forgive me, you won't forget me Mea culpa Should've known from the start What's goin' on inside your heart Mea culpa Mea culpa
We shared a common trade of reasoning out the years Of failed affections and faces to forget You should have told me That the ties that made it all worth
Mea Culpa ! Mea Culpa ! J'ai peche par orgueil De t'avoir tout a moi Dans un simple clin d'?il. Mea culpa ! J'ai peche par envie De me donner a toi
have mercy Christ have mercy) Je ne dors plus (The time has come) Je te desire (The time has come) Prends moi Je suis a toi Mea culpa I can't sleep
desire you I want to go to the end of my fantasies I know it's forbidden Take me I'm yours) Mea culpa (Mea culpa) (I'm guilty) Turn off the light,
a toi Mea culpa Prends-moi, je suis a toi Mea culpa Turn off the light, take a deep breath, and relax, relax... Prends-moi, je suis a toi Mea culpa Prends
interdit Prends-moi, je suis a toi Mea culpa Prends-moi, je suis a toi Mea culpa Prends-moi, je suis a toi Prends-moi, je suis a toi Mea culpa Je suis
What're you saying? He said "I'm sorry, I committed a sin, I made a mistake. I asked (?????) to forgive me... please forgive me." He said "Mea Culpa,"
Mea Culpa, trop de paradoxes Mea Culpa, fixer les limites Mea Culpa, l'ultime Solution Mea Culpa, Ton Mea Culpa Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea
quelli ma tra i ribelli. Faccio il mea culpa di una situazione che mi aveva tolto la gioia di vivere, mea culpa mea culpa, ahimee. C'era chi mi spacciava
't forget We did something That we both regret mea culpa I held my breath while you Took your time To tell the world What's yours is mine mea culpa
Treibt dich die Lust ins Freudenhaus? Mea Culpa! Trinkst du jeden Becher aus? Mea Culpa! Verspielst du munter deinen Zaster? Mea Culpa! Und bist
翻訳: イェンスBjrneboe. MEAマキシマ罪.