see if they float or drown Our favorite patient A display of patience Disease-covered Puget Sound She'll come back as fire To burn all the liars Leave a blanket of ash on
what should I do? I'm on a plain I can't complain I'm on a plain I can't complain I'm on a plain I can't complain I'm on a plain I can't complain
surly, and I am so surly And I am so surly, oooooaaaaaahhhh Deaaaaaaaath, deaaaaaath, deaaaaaaaaath, deaaaaaaaaaaath Come on death, come on death, come on death, come on
I will never bother you I will never promise to I will never follow you I will never bother you Never speak a word again I will crawl away for good
harmony oblivious no hatred is what you'll find my friend this is the message you and your suffering [chorus] nirvana! oh baby where you wanna come end your suffering nirvana
My baby taught me how to be My baby taught me how to fight My baby taught me how to die Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol, alcohol! My baby taught me how to
him on the cross They hung him on the cross They hung him on the cross For me One day when I was lost They hung him on the cross They hung him on the
I don't need to love again I won't sigh and mope again I don't need to love again I just don't think it's worth it I don't really love her I don't think
They hung him on a cross They hung him on a cross for me One day when I lost They hung him on a cross They hung him on a cross for me They whooped him
learned to cry on command I love myself better than you I know it's wrong so what should I do? I'm on a plain I can't complain I'm on a plain My
they gloar or drown Our favorite paitent, A display of patience, Disease-covered Puget Sound She'll come back as fire, to burn all the liars, And leave a blanket of ash on
I would never bother you I would never promise to I would never bother you I would never promise to If I say that word again I would move away from here
翻訳: 涅槃. 死はCome On.
翻訳: 涅槃. フランシスファーマーは、シアトルでは彼女の復讐を持って、Will.
翻訳: 涅槃. 平野.
翻訳: 涅槃. 嵐のライダー(Fredwreckリミックス).