From the Night of Cold Winter Shadows In the Kingdom of Pure Northern Desolation Throughout Primitive Forests, up in the Mountain Frost Light faded once
The Sight of the Northern Moon In the Eyes of the Raven (Clear is My Sage Glance) My Throne Shines of Ice Surrounded by the Breath of Centuries Untouched
© au Travers des Temps Pour ConquA©rir la Nuit A?ternelle Pour PossA©der la MajestA© des Montagnes Pour Enchanter l'hiver qui Tombera Je Retournerai vers le Royaume des Glaces
Night Prevails with Infinite Echoes Over the Naked Trees of My North Kingdom The Iced-Moon Illumines My Crystal Throne And prepare Me to Slumber in Nocturnal
The Dark Moon shines the Night sky In this Forest of Mystic Desolate Trees And Snow falls upon the Heart of Time Only Northern Darkness to be seen from
Whispers in the Night-Dark Winds of Evil As I walk in this Black Domain With Might and Wisdom in My Hands I Travel across the Horizons (Black) Misanthropy
翻訳: Sorcierデグラッセ. 山脈の永遠の陛下.