Tonight is the night of my universe Tonight she's mine close by my side When all of my worlds they all will collide I didn't know what was happening
Larout'rae mab ar c'hadour, laouen e c'halon 'tal an dremm meur 'Lare d'e dad ur beure: "marc'heien war lein ar bre !" The warrior's son he said "Look
Not along the subway Not along the tow path Not inside the doorway Not beside the bar room Not beside the river Not beside the home fire Not beside your
Arwyre gwyr Catraeth gan dydd Am vledic gwaithrhuddic gwarhegydd Uryen hwn anwawt eneyid hynefydd Kyvetail teyrned ai govin Hyd nes byddain farw Yng
En em led an noz war'c'hoad oa gwechall gozh Hud ar brumennou warc'hoazh vo ken war'roz Distroet on er c'hoad ken alies e oan bet eno Distrujet ar c'
Melenach e oed e fenn Na blodou an banadyl Gwennach e oed he diwvronn Na bronn an alarch gwenn An wen hewen am lowenas An hegarat, an lagat glas Mar
Strink ar Graal depuis la nuit des temps War an Daol Grenn tu attends La paix retrouvee, l'etincelle perdue dans l'orgueil de leur flamme Retrouver
'ran eman war'n hent I know that he will come N'eo ket torret ken Eskalibor Our life's symbol is broken no more The Celts, we are back now from Avalon