Fare thee well to Prince's Landing Stage Mersey River, fare thee well well I am bound for California but I know that I'll return someday Oh I have signed
California And I know that I'll return someday So fare thee well, my own true love For when I return, united we will be It's not the leaving of Liverpool
know that I'll return someday Chorus: So fare thee well, my own true love When I return united we will be It's not the leaving of Liverpool that's grieves
翻訳: クランシーブラザーズ. リバプールを残したりもマイオウントゥルーローを汝の運賃.
翻訳: ゲールストーム. リバプールの退場.
翻訳: アイルランド民謡. リバプールの退場.
翻訳: ポーグス. リバプールの退場.
翻訳: 不明. リヴァプールからの脱退.
翻訳: 不明. リバプールの新バージョンの退場.
California, And I know that I'll return someday So fare thee well, my own true love, For when I return, united we will be It's not the leaving of Liverpool