The praying mantis sees three hundred flies from three Orbit of man, divergent strabismus and Compound eyes alien by design Pathogenic Ocular Dissonance
[Words and Music by Ted Kirkpatrick] The iguanidae sees East and West simultaneously The praying mantis sees three hundred flies from three Orbit of
翻訳: 止血帯. 病原性眼不協和音.
[Music by Ted kirkpatrick]
[Words Guy Ritter, Music by Guy Ritter, Gary Lenaire] Waiting in fear My stepfather's prey Mother's mistake Now I'm blackmailed not to say Try to explain
the spring that God only gives Then slept with the enemy knowing your sin Because of your will to live not your vow Ocular gouging and death in the end
[Words and Music by Ted Kirkpatrick] Unavoidable laryngectomy Summon the E.N.T. M.D. Is this the end for me? Install the Western Electric number 5000
[Words and Music by Ted Kirkpatrick] With fervid vocility we have perused Through centuries of countless bethumbed volumes Finding little solace for
[Words and Music by Ted Kirkpatrick] The case of George Dedlow Double amputee, one of 500,000 Civil War casualties Suffered a phenomenon so bizarre
[Words and Music by Victor Macias] The fallacy impinging on mankind Prevalent throughout aeons Good and evil equally matched Sicker yet, that perniciousness
[Words and Music by Ted Kirkpatrick] Vision from the past As you see yourself floating to shore Tragedy that the water depth wasn't Three feet more
[Words and Music by Gary Lenaire] I feel a piece of my life escapes me With every rising of the sun Subtle thoughts assuring me that I'm not well Asyndesis
[Words and Music by Ted Kirkpatrick] Silly childhood game - Uncle Wiggily I cower in abject horror Approaching space number 109 Home of the gaunt and
[Words by Guy Ritter, Music by Guy Ritter, Gary Lenaire] Satan called upon the Lord "I must perform a test To prove that fath in God Is contingent on
[Words and Music by Wagner, Wartell, McAllister, Olson]